How to Embrace Technological Change (Since A.I. Isn’t Going Away)

As we enter December 2024, it's becoming apparent that artificial intelligence (AI) is not only here to stay but continues to evolve at an alarming rate. Experts across various industries have weighed in on the impact of AI and its potential to bring about incredible advancements. In this blog, we'll discuss how you can embrace change and prepare for the inevitable integration of AI into various aspects of our lives.

1. Acknowledge the inevitable

It's essential to accept that AI will continue to advance and integrate itself into our daily routines. Forrester Research predicts that generative AI will be embraced even by skeptics as its capabilities prove indispensable.

Artificial intelligence isn’t just a fad; it’s a growing field and sure to be one of the most significant workforce shifts in our lifetimes. For example, a major Amazon study found that “over 90% of surveyed employers predicted that they will use AI-related solutions in their organizations by 2028.” The study also indicated that, “AI skills could raise worker salaries by up to 35%.“ 

2. Stay informed about developments

Forbes suggests that significant developments in AI capabilities, legislation, and ethics will shape the future of this technology. Keeping yourself informed about the latest trends and developments will help you adapt more effectively and stay ahead of the curve.

We’ve written extensively about AI on the Pivotn blog this year. Skeptics and fans alike can benefit from learning more about this fascinating topic.  

3. Understand the benefits

LinkedIn's Wire 19 Pulse newsletter predicts that "Enterprise AI initiatives will enhance productivity and creative problem-solving by 50%."

Recognizing the potential benefits of AI, such as increased efficiency and improved problem-solving, will help you appreciate the technology's positive aspects and use it effectively.

4. Encourage open discussions about AI

Creating an open dialogue about AI, its potential benefits, and pitfalls will encourage a more profound understanding among those involved. Engaging with colleagues, family, and friends about AI's impact will foster a more inclusive approach to embracing this technology.

Bringing in an external facilitator can help diffuse tension about the many challenging topics related to deploying AI technologies.

5. Invest in AI training and upskilling

Investing in AI training and upskilling will be valuable to remain competitive in the job market. Expanding your knowledge and skills will help you navigate and adapt to AI-driven advancements in your industry and position you as a valuable asset for your organization.

Pivotn can help you identify what kind of training or coaching is needed to prepare your workforce for the inevitable changes coming in 2024 and beyond.  

Leaders recognize changes as opportunities

As you may now recognize, embracing AI isn't a choice but a necessity. By acknowledging the inevitable, staying informed about developments, understanding the benefits, facilitating open dialogue, and investing in training and upskilling, you will be well-prepared to thrive in a world increasingly driven by artificial intelligence.

Following is a chart outlining the top skills to help individuals, teams, leaders, and enterprises better embrace change, especially in AI.  Pivotn anticipates that training in these “soft “skills will become increasingly important as technology rapidly accelerates advancements in the coming years.  

Top Skills Needed in 2024

Foster a culture that encourages and rewards innovation. This can lead to better adaptability towards AI and similar technologies. Encourage calculated risk-taking to explore the potential benefits of AI implementation. Prioritize continuous learning and upskilling programs centered around AI for employees at all levels. This shows commitment to embracing AI and similar technologies.

To lead in the era of AI, leaders must learn to envision outcomes that incorporate AI and understand its benefits and potential challenges. Leaders must also be trained to make solid, strategic decisions incorporating AI capabilities and advancements to stay competitive and enable growth. Leaders must be equipped to guide their teams through changes brought about by AI, maintaining morale and productivity during transition periods.

Effective communication and collaboration within a team can facilitate understanding and acceptance of changes brought about by AI. Encourage learning together as a team. This not only helps in upskilling but also strengthens bonds within the team. Encourage open discussions about AI to ensure members feel included and their thoughts valued, fostering a sense of safety in the face of change.

Adaptability remains a crucial soft skill in the age of AI. Being open and flexible to new ideas and methods will be instrumental in thriving in a tech-oriented world. Develop the habit of continuous learning to stay up-to-date with advances in AI and related technologies. Although not a soft skill, Tech Literacy requires every employee to become more familiar with AI. This can contribute to a better understanding and acceptance of current and forthcoming changes.

We can help you prepare now for the changes of tomorrow. 

Clients hire companies like Pivotn to direct the implementation of AI-integrated solutions. Contact us further to discuss the implications for future corporate training using AI. What strengths would you like to develop in your workforce?


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